I haven’t been on wordpress for a while as my computer crashed. I have a new laptop now but I don’t know yet if they can recuperate my pictures, they are still working on it.

Today was a lovely sunny Sunday so I did some work in the garden and repotted some of my houseplants.

I have quite a few cuttings of succulents and cacti , a few self sown cacti and I had a nice bowl so I tried to make a little garden in the bowl.


I made a few other pictures in my garden just so I could experiment a bit on the computer.



Finally in bloom : skimmia Kew Green, I had to wait a long time this year to see them bloom.

I hope you all had a great weekend ! Enjoy your garden and thanks for stopping by !

16 thoughts on “I CRASHED !!!

  1. I’m sorry about your computer crashing. That has to be stressful and disappointing. The best part about us photographers, we can always take more photos,but it doesn’t always help for those photos we absolutely adored.

  2. Sorry to hear about your crash! I’m glad you’re back up and running and hope they can recover your photos for you. Garden is looking lovely though ;))

  3. Welcome back! Now what you need to do is go and buy yourself a 16g flash drive, and back up all your pics on there. Put the drive in your jewelry box or somewhere where you will always find it, and save away! I learned the hard way that laptops aren’t always your best friend.

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