When I dig up my bulbs for Winter I wrap them in a few sheets of newspaper, when I took a peek yesterday I found this begonia with sprouts ! I am going to give it fresh soil and a big pot so it can grow again, I’ll have to protect it from the rain and the cold for the time being, so it will have to stay inside in a cool place.

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Still no sign of Winter here for the next fortnight, shall we get away with it ???

Have a great week all !


As the sun was shining yesterday I went out in the garden and I found my euphorbia alive and kicking, normally it looks horrible in Winter but this year it looks really good and the buds look promising too ! This plant stays green in Winter, therefore it is tender and not happy with severe frost, it doesn’t die but it struggles, now this year we have had only a few minor night frosts, I was pleasantly surprised when I found it ! It brought a big smile to my face !

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Have a great week all ! And thanks for stopping by !